Youth Formation & Programs

St. Paul’s youth programs are open to all youth in grades 6-12. Descriptions for many of the programs are listed below. If you have any questions about any of the programs, contact Brett Smith at

Upcoming Events

Youth Sunday School meets in Barnabas at 10 AM

EYG meets in Barnabas on Sundays 5-7 PM

Formation for Youth

Youth Sunday Morning Formation

This fall, we’ll be resuming Youth Sunday School between the church services, meeting in Barnabas. Sunday School is an opportunity for our youth to learn more about the church and the bible, and to explore faith and theology. Sunday School will be discussion based, with supporting activities and videos.

youth group
Youth EYG

Episcopal Youth Group (EYG)

EYG (Episcopal Youth Group) meetings are on Sunday evenings from 5-7 pm in Barnabas, and all youth in grades 6-12 are encouraged to attend. We’ll eat dinner as a group, play games in and around Barnabas, and read compline as a group, focusing on community building and fellowship. We’ll also explore outreach opportunities and other outings as a group.

Confirmation Class

All 8th graders are invited to participate in Confirmation Class beginning January or February. This class is a journey to discover what they believe as Christians and Episcopalians and why — as well as what we do and why. They are encouraged to ask questions and explore their faith in this safe environment.

Other Youth Programs

Mountain T.O.P.

Mountain T.O.P. (Tennessee Outreach Project) is a summer youth mission trip to Grundy County, Tennessee. It is an outreach ministry to serve some of the poorest counties in Tennessee. Adults also attend to support and supervise the youth.

Mountain T.O.P. blends traditional summer youth camp (games, meals, cabins, community, worship, and free time) with a working missions trip focused on helping folks with construction projects, household chores, and day care. Mountain T.O.P. provides the youth with an incredible experience of serving others and experiencing Christian community.

St. Paul's Youth Group Photo

Lock-Ins & Retreats

These overnight events provide our youth with a time to unplug from their daily worries and grow in community with each other.

All youth must have this form completed in order to participate in any overnight or off-site events.


Each year the youth put on a huge feast for the church on Shrove Tuesday to celebrate and raise money for Mountain T.O.P. We also do a few car parks behind Barnabas during major festivals in Franklin.

Youth Pancake Supper
youth sunday

Youth Sunday

This is a special Sunday, usually on Mother’s Day, where our young people lead the service in readings, prayers and even preaching. This day is a reminder that the youth aren’t just the future of the church, the are the church NOW!