What to Expect
Where We're Located
We are located in downtown Franklin at 510 West Main Street, between 5th and 6th Avenues, shortly after the Five Points Intersection.
Where To Park
On Sunday mornings, you may park in the Williamson County Archive lot, directly across the street from the church. Parking is also available on the street.
St. Paul’s owns a building at 506 Fair Street (which parallels Main Street) and a parking lot is behind that building. If you drive past the church on West Main Street and turn right on 6th Avenue, you will dead end into Fair Street and the 506 Fair Street building.
During the week, ample parking is on the street.
What to Expect When You Get Inside
As you enter the church, worship bulletins will be available. (Ushers will hand one to you.) This bulletin contains directions for what to do during the service. Both books are available in the pews. Large Print bulletins available as well as hearing assistance devices; ask the usher for these items. If you aren’t sure what to do, don’t hesitate to ask someone nearby.
Where To Sit
The ushers will help you find your seat.
If You Have Children
Children are welcome at all Sunday Services. At the 10:00 am service, we offer a Children’s Chapel. At a designated time in the service, children through the fifth grade leave through the door on the right side of the Altar for a special time of Worship and song. The children return to the church during the Peace.
Coloring pages and crayons that are appropriate for children are always available from one of the ushers. Please take these items with you when you leave.
During the 10:00 am service, a nursery for infants and young children is available upon reservation. The nursery is located halfway down the center hallway in the church office main building.
How To Take Communion
You are welcome at the Lord’s Table. To ensure social distancing, the ushers will guide families to come up to receive communion one at a time. A priest will put the wafer into your hands, which are held crossed and palms up. Due to the pandemic, we are only offering Communion in One Kind (bread only) at this time.
If it is physically difficult for you to come to the altar rail, please indicate this to an usher and a priest will bring Communion to you where you are seated.
If you need to receive a Gluten Free host, please extend your hands, crossed, palms down at the communion rail and you will receive a gluten free host.
Children Receiving Communion
Children are welcome at the Lord’s Table at their parents’ discretion. If you would like your child to learn more about the sacrament, a Children’s Communion Preparation Class is offered twice a year, in the spring and in the fall.
Receiving a Blessing
If you, or your child(ren), would like to receive a blessing from a priest at the altar rail, come forward just as you would to receive Communion and cross your arms across your chest, and/or instruct your child(ren) to do the same.
Learning More
We encourage you to ask questions and seek information. Please fill out a welcome card – which is found in the Sunday Bulletin (already perforated for you to tear and place it in the offering plate) or hand it to an usher or clergy so that we can learn more about you. On the first Sunday of every month, there is a Newcomers’ Welcome Reception in Founders’ Hall at 10:00 am. We also invite and encourage you to introduce yourself to our clergy and staff. We are happy to welcome you to St. Paul’s Episcopal Church!