Stephen Ministry

The gifts God gave were that some would be apostles, some prophets, some evangelists, some ministers, and teachers, (some Stephen Ministers), to equip the saints for the work of ministry, for building up the body of Christ. (Ephesians 4:11-13)
There are periods when one feels empty or broken-hearted, or times when there are too many questions and not enough answers. The help of a Stephen Minister may be part of the answers. We are not the solution, but we can be the sounding board for your inner thoughts and search for direction. We can walk with you in search for answers.
A Stephen Minister is a layperson who will provide one-to-one Christian care to confused or hurting people in St. Paul’s and the community. Look over the list of needs for care. Are there people with needs described? Yes, there are many people who have these needs. You or someone you know may be one of them.
Please take a moment to reach out to us. Your information is confidential. Our contact with the care receiver is confidential. And the care by the Stephen Minister is confidential. We know that people in need of care suffer alone and may slip through the cracks. The Priests and congregation may not have the means or capacity to reach out to hurting people long term. This is why St. Paul’s has a Stephen Ministries program. When necessary, we can be there for the long haul.
If you know of a situation where we might help, please contact Rusty or Monna, call the Church Office (615-790-0527), leave a confidential email ( or contact one of the Stephen Ministers below.
Marcia Wilkinson and Carol Waters, Stephen Ministry Leaders
Barbara Green
Becky Farmer
George Bishop
Jean Larson
Kelly Pitsenberger
Scott Faulkner
Vicki Carlisle
Jan Abstein
Sam Barcus
Heather Bottoms
Chris Oberholtzer
Sharmila Patel
Donna Thomas
Elizabeth Tyer
Needs for Care That Stephen Ministers Can Meet
- Those who are grieving the loss of a loved one
- People who are hospitalized
- People being treated for cancer — and members of their families
- Individuals who are terminally ill — and members of their families
- People who are experiencing divorce (before, during, and after)
- Parents who have children leaving home for the military, college, marriage, or work in another geographical area
- New congregation or community members who are experiencing transition difficulties
- Parents and families with children who have disabilities
- People recovering at home or in a rehabilitation facility after an illness or injury
- Those who are homebound or reside in an assisted living facility or a nursing care center
- Family members of someone (nearby or far away) who is homebound or resides in an assisted living facility or a nursing care center
- People with a chronic illness or a long-term disability-and their primary caregivers
- People facing birth-related issues such as infertility, adoption, an unplanned pregnancy, or the birth of a child
- People who have lost their jobs or had some other significant financial setback
- People experiencing significant job-related stress
- Family members of deployed military personnel
- People in the process of downsizing to a smaller home, moving into an assisted living situation, or changing their living arrangements in some other way
- People who are preparing to retire, who have recently retired, or who have been forced to retire early
- People affected by disasters or violence
- People experiencing spiritual crisis
- People with other critical needs or major life transitions that you know about