Outreach Committee
The Vision: Sharing God’s Grace with those in need.
Mission: The Mission of St. Paul’s Outreach Committee is to follow our call as Christians to help people in need, by dispersing parish funds to community organizations.
Volunteers: The Committee is made up of volunteers from our St. Paul’s community many of whom also participate in the many other groups within our community such as the Women’s Group, the Men’s Group, the Vestry liaison, as well as Rev. Monna Mayhall.
Guidelines: As there are many initiatives already moving within our church and within our community, the committee met to establish guidelines for responsibly spending money and directing the actions of the committee.
1 . Spend 100% of our budget each year.
2. Restrict our spending to focus on 501 (C) 3 organizations serving Williamson County.
3. Spending should be impactful to the recipients, going directly to a specific need where possible.
4. Consensus of the committee is necessary for spending any funds.
5. Keep our church community informed and involved. Engage the parish to help when possible. Report regularly to the parish through the newsletter, reports to the vestry, conversations with the men’s and women’s groups and the annual meeting.
To learn more about the organizations we have assisted, go to our Outreach Community Partners on our website.